All Pepop’s Handtied Crappie Jig’s are tied using the highest quality materials. I also tie a special jig I call the Gammie jig that is currently made in six
Below are the steps it takes to tie a Gummie Jig.
Step #1
First I pick a painted head
wrap a thread base from the head about 1/4″down the shank.
Step #2
Then I select the plastic I’ll use (I prefer Crappie Thunder’s because they have bulk & are fairly tough but about any solid body plastic will do) and cut the tail off.
Step #3
Thread the body onto the hook
apply a tiny drop of super glue to the thread base and push the plastic against the jighead.
Step #4
Clamp hook in vise
and with forceps, push body towards the jighead and clamp it.
Step #5
Wrap a thread base to the hook bend
Step #6
Tie in flash (I use 1 strand, doubled twice making 4 strands).
Step #7
Pull & stack hackle barbules for tail and tie in, tie 2 half-hitches and cut thread.
Step #8
Apply a tiny drop of super glue to thread just below clamp.
#9 Remove clamp and pinch & twist body to push plastic over
thread/glue. Cut flash to desired length